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The Future of Software

No doubt that the area of IT has been one of the most affected be the technology evolution. And inside IT, no doubt that the segment of software has been the one which have been submitted to a complete revolution: born as the less noble and therefore, less expensive component of the IT solutions, in the onset of the IT era software was given for free. However, the IT users quickly recognized that a good piece of software could not be replaced. Not even by the best available piece of hardware. Then, software became the critical component in most of the technical, commercial and scientific segments in which the IT evolution was essential. At this time, software became and industry on top of which big amounts of money have been created and accumulated. Now, we are bordering a new moment in the software arena. Not only in the software conception and building method but also in the perception of the final product created by the software engineering methods. What doe this men to th future of software ? Is this an opportunity of a challenge ? What’s the real role of software in this supposedly new era of Cognitive Computing ? Wouldn’t be better to call it Cognitive Software ? These questions and others in the same context will be addressed in this presentation, by Dr. Fabio Gandour, Chief Scientist in the Brazilian Lab of the IBM Research Division.


Fabio Gandour

Fábio Gandour é Cientista-Chefe da IBM Brasil. Ele coordena a área de pesquisa na filial brasileira da companhia. Esta atividade faz parte de um novo modelo de pesquisa que pratica o conceito de “ciência como negócio”.

Gandour é funcionário da IBM há cerca de 20 anos. Sua responsabilidade inicial na empresa foi dedicada a Informática em Saúde. Neste segmento, atuou no desenvolvimento de soluções e estratégias de marketing. Mais recentemente, foi Gerente de Novas Tecnologias, estabelecendo um efetivo canal de colaboração entre os laboratórios da IBM Research Division e o mercado local.

O cientista é graduado em Medicina pela Universidade de Brasília e PhD em Ciências da Computação.